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Over 50 pages of education, practical tips and strategies for navigating breastfeeding, sleep and emotional wellbeing in the first year postpartum.


One of the most helpful aspects over the first 12 months of my son's life was knowledge - knowledge about what to expect, what was normal (and what wasn't), and where to get help when needed.


This knowledge was information that I had gained through the years working as a midwife, birth educator and lactation consultant.


This ebook combines my professional experience, but also my own journey becoming a mum. While traditionally health professionals have been encouraged to be purely evidence based and not share their own experiences, I know as a new mum I found it so beneficial to hear real life stories and experiences from other women.


So that is what this ebook is all about. A beautiful blend of experience, evidence and real mum life tips! The book I would love every new mama to have in their hands - or on their phones!


When you purchase the Thriving Beyond the First Six Weeks - Your Guide to Navigating Breastfeeding and Postpartum Throughout the First Year ebook you will receive...


​- 50 page PDF ebook jam packed with info

- Bonus 1 - 5 Quick Snacks for Busy Mums

- Bonus 2 - 8 Real Life Self Care Strategies you can do with Your Baby.

- Bonus 3 - Guided Postpartum Meditation Mp3


All for only $37!


My baby is over 12 months - is this ebook still beneficial?

Yes! Lots of the info is applicable for toddler mums too - like returning to work, practicalities of breastfeeding toddlers, reducing your mental load and supporting sleep.


Is this only for breastfeeding mums?

No - the first half of the book is focussed on breastfeeding, however the second half focusses on emotional wellbeing + supporting sleep, so still lots of gold in there for mamas not breastfeeding.


Can it be read quickly/easily?

Yes - if you're a tired mama (Ive been there!) or pressed for time you can use the detailed contents page to head to the topics most relevant to you. You can also read on your phone to make it more accesible. I recommend reading the whole book when you get the chance, but I know as a busy mum this isnt always easy!



The information in this ebook is current at February 2024, but is subject to change as future research evolves.Any information, advice, content or materials provided in this ebook does not constitute medical, midwifery, psychological, childbirth, pre-natal or post-natal education or other professional advice, and are provided for general information and guidance purposes only. Hannah Willsmore will not be liable for any expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damages) or costs which might be incurred as a result of your reliance on this information, advice, content or materials. This release includes but is not limited to any claim for personal injury, damages and death of any individual which has received information from Hannah Willsmore. Further, Hannah Willsmore does not make any representations or give any warranties about their accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. You agree that any intellectual property within this document will remain the sole and complete property of Hannah Willsmore. Hannah Willsmore grants to you a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, non-sub licensable, non-transferable licence to access and use such intellectual property for the purpose of personal and educational use only. You may not therefore, copy, sell, republish or share this document without the prior permission of Hannah Willsmore. 

Thriving Beyond the First Six Weeks Ebook

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