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Hannah Willsmore

Sarah's Birth Story

I chose to do hypnobirthing for my second birth as I had an injury to my pelvis 1 year after my first baby was born and as a result suffered chronic pelvic pain for the last 2 years. Most specialists I saw recommended a c section but it didn't sit well with me and at 36 weeks pregnant I still hadn't made a decision as to my birth choice. Hypnobirthing helped me make a decision on how to have my baby, it helped me regain confidence in myself, my intuition and my body and it even helped getting through another painful breast feeding experience. We did a one on one in home course with Hannah which she tailored to my needs as I was a second time mum and had a lot of fear about the after effects of my birth, not really the birth itself.

I loved the birth affirmations. I listened to them almost daily leading up to the birth especially and loved listening to it during labor.

I had a natural labor and I can honestly say it was enjoyable (well maybe not the last hour), hind waters broke early morning, the atmosphere in the hospital was calm and relaxed and my birth team and I quietly chatted all day. OB broke my fore water 14hrs later and bubs was born in following 15mins. After fore waters broke was instinctive bearing down which my friend and midwife were encouraging me to breathe & relax through. After about 6 of these type contractions bubs was entirely born.

Two hours after birth.

Not as much breathing baby out as I would have planned but I just went with my body and the midwife said I did a great job of breathing and did not actively "push" but let my body do what it needed to do to get my 8 pound 11 baby out. It was certainly an uncontrollable urge which I was prepared for it as Hannah and I talked about my first birth and I also had that sensation then.

The calm continued as we had beautiful skin to skin time for hours after and we met and cuddled our baby boy.

Two days old 'milk drunk'.

Thank you for sharing your story Sarah! He Looks like a very content little hypnobub! Birth story shared with permission.

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